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Martin Leijnse


Office: B206; Phone: +46 (0)70 3571138
E-mail: Martin.Leijnse [at]

Martin Leijnse is a theoretical condensed matter physicist. His primary research interests are within quantum mechanical descriptions of mesoscopic and nanoscale systems. Specific research topics include:

  • Topological states of matter and Majorana bound states.
  • Superconducting proximity effect in nanowires and quantum dots.
  • Quantum information processing in superconducting and spin systems.
  • Nonequilibrium electronic transport and molecular electronics.
  • Heat transport and thermoelectric devices.

Martin did his undergraduate studies at Chalmers University (Sweden) and Delft University (Netherlands), with a shorter stay at Northwestern University (US). He then moved to RWTH Aachen (Germany) for his PhD, which he finished in late 2009. From then until early 2013 he was a postdoc at the Niels Bohr Institute and the Center for Quantum Devices at Copenhagen University (Denmark).

Martin is currently teaching the course Elektroniska material (Electronic materials) and the PhD course Theory of superconductivity. He is also a member of the NanoLund management group.

See Martin’s page on Lund University research portal