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News and Events


On Friday June 14, 2019 at 9.15 a.m. in lecture hall Rydbergsalen, Si Hoai Trung Tran will publicly defend his doctoral thesis. Title: Deterministic Lateral Displacement for Cell Separation. Opponent appointed by the Faculty is...[more]


On Friday June 7, 2019 at 9.15 a.m. in lecture hall Rydbergsalen, Frida Lindberg will publicly defend her doctoral thesis. Title: Technology for biocomputational devices based on molecular motors. Opponent appointed by the...[more]


On 17 May at 13:15 in lecture hall Rydbergsalen, Bekmurat Dalelkhan will publicly defend his doctoral thesis. Title: “Charge transport in III-V narrow bandgap semiconductor nanowires”. Faculty Opponent is Professor Stefan...[more]


On 29 April at 09:15 in lecture hall Rydbergsalen, David Göransson will publicly defend his doctoral thesis. Title: “Strain and Charge Transport in InAsP-InP and InP-InAs Core-Shell Nanowires”. Faculty Opponent is Professor...[more]


On 5th april 2019 at 13:15 in lecture hall Rydbergsalen, Maryam Khalilian will publicly defend her doctoral thesis. Title: "Growth engineering toward dislocation-free and atomically flat III-Nitride materials for the next...[more]


On 23 November at 09:15 in lecture hall Rydbergsalen, Bao Dang Ho will publicly defend his doctoral thesis. Title: “Cell Sorting in Pillar Arrays based on Electrokinetics and Morphology”. Faculty Opponent is Professor Michael...[more]


On 16th November at 13:15 in lecture hall Rydbergsalen, Damiano Verardo will publicly defend his doctoral thesis. Title: "Lightguiding of Fluorescence in Nanowires" Faculty opponent: Professor Christian Eggeling, University of...[more]

Displaying results 61 to 67 out of 67.