News and Events
On Thursday April 29 at 15:00 Ivan Unksov, Department of Solid State Physics, will defend his Licentiate thesis: "Methods for performance characterization of artificial molecular motors". The public defence will take place on...[more]
Lina Ekstedt will defend her Master thesis about perovskite materials for photovoltaics. The work was performed in collaboration with Helmholtz Center Berlin. [more]
Idea Competition: 5 000 Euro prize for the best idea for new application areas for biocomputation[more]
Elke Hebisch and Christelle Prinz from the Solid State Physics have succeeded in injecting a large number of nanodiamonds directly into the cell interior. [more]
Since January 1, NanoLund has a new director – Anders Mikkelsen, and a new deputy director – Maria Messing. [more]