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Ivan Maximov

Head of Nanoprocess Lab at Lund Nano Lab (LNL)

Associate Professor (Docent), Senior Lecturer

Office: Q139; Phone: +46 (0)46 222 3185
E-mail: ivan.maximov [at]

Ivan Maximov's research concerns the development of different methods of nano-patterning, including electron-beam and nanoimprint lithography, which is one of the core facilities of NanoLund.

Ivan also teaches the course Advanced Processing of Nanostructures, where students learn both theoretical and practical aspects of nanofabrication. The course, which is practically-orientied, is given twice per year and includes an extensive project work with research groups at the Division of Solid State Physics. Apart from regular teaching duties, Ivan is responsible for the training and education of all new LNL users.

Ivan is currently the Head of the Nanoprocess laboratory, which is the technological part of LNL, and Coordinator of LNL within NanoLund. He is also one of the area coordinators for Exploratory Nanotechnology that deals with atomic sculpting and enabling technology for 3D heterointegration. 

Ivan received his PhD in solid state physics from Lund University in 1997.

Exploratory Nanotechnology within NanoLund Research

See Ivan's page on Lund University research portal