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Magnus Borgström


Office: Q205; Phone: +46 (0)46 222 1494
E-mail: magnus.borgstrom [at]

Magnus T. Borgströms's research group focuses on the epitaxial growth, processing and characterisation of nanostructured materials with the aim to understand and control their synthesis for applications in photovoltaics, energy-saving devices such as LEDs, and artificially engineered biological media. Specific research topics include:

  • fundamental studies of the mechanisms of epitaxial growth of III-V and III-N materials, including nanowires.
  • evaluation of the electro-optical material properties of nanostructures.
  • impurity doping of semiconductor nanowires.
  • processing for synthesis of nanostructures with controlled dispersion and geometry.
  • interaction between nanowires and biological media.

Magnus is responsible for a course in the third year of the Engineering Nanosciences program at the Faculty of Engineering, as well as a graduate course on metal-organic vapour-phase epitaxy.

Magnus is also the coordinator for the nanoenergy research area at NanoLund. He came to Lund in 2007 from Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, Holland, where he held a Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellowship for two years, prior to which he carried out postdoctoral studies at ETH, Zürich.

See Magnus' page on Lund University research portal

See the nanoenergy research area at NanoLund