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Maria Messing


Office: B102; Phone: +46 (0)46 222 3691
E-mail: maria.messing [at]

Maria Messing's research group focuses on the generation, characterization and applications of aerosol nanoparticles. The main generation technique is spark discharge and the key characterization technique is electron microscopy. Specific research topics include:

  • Up scaling of nanoparticle generation by spark discharge
    EU-project BUONAPART-E
  • Basic aerosol physics and generation of nanoparticles with tailored properties.
  • Model nanoparticle systems in catalysis research.
  • Handling of nanoparticles in a safe and sustainable manner.
  • Understanding the role of the seed particle in nanowire growth.

Maria also started up and coordinates the PhD student research school Advanced Microscopy Research Environment (ADMIRE).

Visit webpage of ADMIRE, a cross-scientific graduate school focused on microscopy and micro imaging

Maria is currently responsible for the outreach activities at Solid Sate Physics, which mainly includes giving popular science lectures about nanoscience to high school students and the general public. She is also a member of the board at the Department of Physics.

Maria is one of the coordinators for Materials Science research, a sub-area in the Strategic Research Area NanoLund.

See Materials Science research in NanoLund

See Maria´s page on Lund University reseach portal