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Martin Magnusson

Associate Professor (Lektor)

Office: B211; Phone: +46 (0)46 222 1410
E-mail: martin.magnusson [at]

Martin Magnusson's research is in materials physics directed towards semiconductor nanostructures, using experimental and numerical methods, with a special interest towards photovoltiacs. His background is in aerosol-based methods, which are used to create nanoparticles and nanowires directly in the gas phase:

  • Nanowires grown by Aerotaxy
  • Nanoparticle design in the aerosol phase
  • Reactor design and realization
  • Numerical modelling of reactors
  • Processing for nanowire-based photovoltaics
  • In-situ characterization methods for gas-borne nanoparticles

Martin also teaches classes for the undergraduate program Engineering Nanoscience.

Martin currently holds a position as lecturer (assistant professor) since 2013. He was previously with Sol Voltaics AB, where he built up the company’s photovoltaics team, coordinated the R&D effort for nanowire processing, and co-invented the aerotaxy process.

See Martin’s page on Lund University research portal