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Mats-Erik Pistol


Office: Q144; Phone: +46 (0)46 222 0428
E-mail: mats-erik.pistol [at]

Mats-Erik Pistol's research group uses experimental and theoretical methods to study the optical and electronic properties of nanostructures, such as nanowires and quantum dots. The experimental methods include photoluminescence and Raman scattering on individual nanostructures. The theoretical methods mainly comprise k⋅p-theory although some efforts are devoted toward performing tight-binding calculations on nanostructures. An emphasis is placed on comparing theoretical results with spectroscopic data. Mats-Erik also has an interest in improving density functional theory. Specific research topics include:

  • optical properties of highly-doped nanowires.
  • the nature of the excited states in quantum dots in wires.
  • electro-optical effects in nanowires.
  • strain effects in core-shell nanowires.
  • developing new methods to calculate the properties of nanometer-sized heterostructures.

Mats-Erik also teaches introductory-level classes for the undergraduate programs Engineering Physics and Engineering Nanoscience.

At NanoLund, the Center for Nanoscience at Lund University, he coordinates the nanoelectronics/nanophotonics efforts together with Erik Lind.

See Nanoelectronics & Nanophotonics research at NanoLund

He did his undergraduate studies at Uppsala and Lund University where he studied mathematics, physics and biology. He obtained his PhD at Lund University.

See Mats-Erik's page on Lund University research portal