Our research activities
Materials science
Materials Science, Crystal Growth and Nanofabrication
MOCVD, thermodynamics of epitaxial growth, arsenides, phosphides, antimonides, gallium nitride, polytypism, composition control, heterostructures, doping, advanced processing, electron-beam and nanoimprint lithography.
Researchers in this area describe their research on their personal pages:
Exploratory nanoscience

We explore novel top-down methods to fabricate nanostructures and devices, as well as utilizing self-assembly approaches, with the aim to realize atomic level control.
Scanning Electron Microscopy top view of InAs vertical nanowires grown InAs/Si substrate by a selective area epitaxy with SiNx as a mask. The silicon nitride mask was patterned by a Block-Copolymer (BCP) lithography using hexagonally-oriented, vertical cylinders formed in a 50 nm pitch PS-b-P4VP polymer system. Photo: Anette Löfstrand.
Researchers in this area describe their research on their personal pages:
Fundamental physics
Quantum Transport and Optical Physics
spintronics, high-resolution spectroscopy, Raman scattering, photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence, nanowires, quantum dots, hybrid superconductor-semiconductor systems, electronic band structure theory and modelling.
Researchers in this area describe their research on their personal pages:

This area includes nanothermodynamics, photovoltaics and solid state lighting.
Vertically oriented nanowires can very efficiently absorb sunlight and convert it to electricity. Graphics: Yang Chen.
Researchers in this area describe their research on their personal pages:
ICT / Devices
Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics
plasmonics, transistors, low-temperature electron transport, two-dimensional electron gases, nanowires, quantum dots.
Researchers in this area describe their research on their personal pages:
Biomedical applications and nanosafety
Nanobiophysics and Nanosafety
biocompatibility, toxicity, mechano-sensing, micro- and nanofluidics, particle sorting, DNA, molecular motors, proteins.
Researchers in this area describe their research on their personal pages: